ISOLAMED is constituted by the principal islands of the Mediterranean, to face and solve common problems. ISOLAMED poursues the following main objectives:
· Constitute a "Charter of Mediterranean Islands".
· Create meeting opportunities between operators and researcher of the phenomena of mediterranean islands within the framework of MEDA programs.
· Refine instruments of "island interpretation", of the needs of its inhabitants through active and participative research instruments, capable of collecting information relating to the structural (territory-landscape framework), social (work organisation, employment, migration processes, etc.) and anthropological-relational aspects (sense of belonging, community feeling, level of well-being and quality of life, etc.) of islands.
· Increase exchange of competencies, communication processes and resources for good administration.
· Activate and diffuse instruments and methodologies of active participation, favouring a self-empowerment process of the citizens, which would allow their participation to decision-making.
· Create methodologies able to recover hydraulic engineering works linked to port activities and river navigation.
· Re-evaluate the cultural heritage (artistic, environmental, architectural and archaeological) of cities in order to promote the cultural and tourist offer also through the promotion of historic town centres.
· Running of a Forum involving all of the representatives of Isolamed.

The identification and constitution of the various branches and bureaux is entrusted to the FONDAZIONE LABORATORIO MEDITERRANEO, invested by the II FORUM CIVILE EUROMED to proceed, by its own initiative and means, firstly to the constitution of the ISOLAMED and later to the conception and realisation of its spatial organisation.

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